Projecting Jasson Dominguez and Austin Wells 2025 seasons:

As we move closer to the 2025 seaosn, lets look at 2 Yankees young guns and project their stats using prjections off 1000 simulated seasons and giving the averages.

He has not hit a HR Right handed yet. That one HR to LF was in Houston.

As you can see a pull hitter from the left side of the plate which will play extremely well in Yankee Staduim where he has raked in limited playing time.

He is expected to lead off but should still put up big #’s and run away wihty AL Rookie of the Year.

.275 BA, 38 HR’s, 125 RBI’s, 83 BB’s.

Big time pull hitter and lefty bat. ESPECIALLY for a catcher. Should be one of and if not the best catcher in the game this year. HJis swing fits Yankee Stadium perfectly! Here’s his spray chart:

CLear pull hitter primes for a break out being the man behind the dish now after Trevino was traded.

Wells is primed for a big time break out having less to worry about defensivley and playing time wise.

As he hit 13 HR’s in 113 games wiht just 356 AB’s, I see big #’s coming in 2025 due to being more relaxed and ready for everythign thrown at him. He should double his AB’s and HR’s AT LEAST! IUf not more!


.268 AVE, 34 HR’s, 114 RBI’s, 129 BB’s.

2 young players ready for massive, MASSIVE break out years! The right field porch greatly helps. Knowing they have their positions does as well and relaxes them for the season! Get ready for biug years!

BY: Adam King







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