Every now and then I see more proof o9f rigged All Star Voting… In all of the major Sports! Today I ran across a criminal example!
This past All Star game one of the top Scorers in the game Bradley Beal was left off the roster DESPITE scoring over 30 PPG.
He’s the 1st ever player to pull this off… Who got his spot? Kyle Lowry who leads him in ZERO statistical categories… RIGGED!
This is just one example of All Star voting rigging…
Every year in the MLB player with no business even being on the ballet inexplicably get in. 5+ players EVERY YEAR!
In 2019 there were 13 such players.
This past NBA all STar game there were 9. OUT OF THE 30 ALL STARS!
Something is very, VERY wrong here!
This isn’t the only vote rigging going on either…
Awards are 100% rigged as well as proved by Aaron Judge not winning MVP his rookie when he clearly was the only player to even have a case that year.
Also by Mike Trout even being on the ballet when not once has he had a MVP caliber year. He’s had impressive seasons but not that MVP year.
Here’s other rigged awards:
- Derek Jeter not winning in 2006 and 2009.
- Don Mattingly snubbed in 1986 and 2 other years.
- Mark Teixeira snubbed in 2012 and 2013.
- Curtis Granderson snubbed in 2011.
- ETC!
Cy Youngs, ROY etc all rigged blatantly lately in the MLB.
EVEN IN THE NBA where Utah JAzz Guard Donovan Mitchell was not given a Rookie of the Year Award he clearly ran away with!
EVEN IN THE NFL where Tom Shady has 3+ MVP’s he never should even got 1 vote for.
Even in college where 6 of the last 20 Hiesman Trophy winners had no business even being finalists and let alone winning!
This is a major, MAJOR issue that needs addressing!
How do we fix it? A great question. Here’s my solution:
Create a voting system where a player must do certain things to even get on a ballet. IE: no MLB player may get on a MVP ballet unless they are truly having a MVP year.
Take Aaron Judge for example who lead the AL and BLM in 15 categories clearly distancing himself from the pack for the MVP!
Take Miguel Andujar for example who lead all rookies in almost every category!
That kind of eye popping stat line. Trout has come close but never done this. Every year Trout is behind 6+ other players in stats lead. Criminal for him ever to get MVP votes.
Grander lead the AL in 11 categories, Teixeira lead in 14, Jeter in 15 both times.
There’s ways to fix this and ways to make it worse.
For the All Star games no player should even get votes unless they have proven they clearly are among the 3 best at their position.
Managers/Coaches choices should only be allowed for players will All Star worthy Stat lines.
Major fixing needs to happen here that outlaws personal bias among the voting. This is an absolute must!
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